Complete Copper Cobalt Solution for Beef Cattle


Complete Copper Cobalt Solution is designed to address one of the most common trace mineral deficiencies causing ill thrift, Copper deficiency.


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Complete Copper Cobalt Solution is designed to address one of the most common trace mineral deficiencies causing ill-thrift, Copper deficiency.

Copper performs so many functions in the animals’ body. There are a variety of deficiency symptoms, these include:

  • anemia,
  • scourging,
  • depigmentation of hair
  • and lesions in the brainstem and spinal cord.

Poor growth rates can occur in the absence of any clinical symptoms such as anaemia.

Numerous other elements interfere with copper availability –

  • molybdenum,
  • sulphur
  • and zinc

Grass species uptake of copper can vary appreciable. Generally Yorkshire Fog, rough stalked meadow grass and Agrostis spp contain higher levels of Coper than does ryegrass.                      Ryegrasses, in general, are not particularly rich in Cu and the ploughing up of old pastures and reseeding with ryegrass mixtures can result in a general lowering of the Cu status of the sward. This will be particularly so if the original pasture contained clover, and for this reason copper deficiency occurs widely even in pastures rich in copper content.

Cobalt deficiency is another common trace mineral deficiency causing ill-thrift. Cobalt assists and promotes the synthesis of Vitamin B12, helping prevent anemia and ill-thrift, can promote growth and condition, resistance to disease and aid in milk production. Any change in management of the farm such as improved drainage, use of fertilisers, including liming and pasture improvement can lead to copper and cobalt deficiencies.

Natural Nutrition’s Complete Copper Cobalt Solution is a fast-acting drench giving high blood levels and fast improvement in the animal’s condition, fertility and thrive.

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