Selco – V for Commercial Sheep


Selco-V in Pedigree or commercial flocks is designed for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused or associated with a deficiency of either Selenium, Vitamin E, B12 or Cobalt alone or altogether. Ireland is one of the most selenium deficient countries in the world. Irish pastures supply only 38% of the Selenium requirements of an average lactating ewe. Selco-V can help in counteracting this M.D.D. causing deficiency in your flock.

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Selco – V for Commercial Sheep

Selco-V in commercial flocks is designed for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused or associated with a deficiency of either Selenium, Vitamin E, B12 or Cobalt alone or altogether.

Ireland is one of the most selenium deficient countries in the world.                                                Irish pastures supply only 38% of the Selenium requirements of an average lactating ewe.

Deficiencies of either or both selenium and vitamin E can cause weaner ill-thrift, reduced wool production, reduced ewe fertility, reduced immune response, and white muscle disease.

Selenium deficiency is more common in high rainfall areas. While vitamin E deficiency occurs when sheep are on dry feed for long periods.

White muscle disease typically affects rapidly-growing two to six week-old lambs. Ram lambs of meat breeds such as the Suffolk and Texel are often affected. There is sudden onset stiffness with lambs reluctant to move such that they are easily caught. After one or two days, affected lambs are unable to stand. Selco-V is designed to aid in the prevention, and to rectifying these deficiencies.

Vitamin E assists & promotes

  • In the prevention of embryonic degeneration and retarded fetal growth.
  • With the prevention of muscular dystrophies.
  • Prevention of sudden death by cardiac arrest.

Vitamin B12 assists & promotes

  • Viability & growth.
  • Prevention of anaemia and ill-thrift.
  • Essential to animals who cannot synthesise cobalt

Selenium assists & promotes

  • In the prevention of muscular dystrophies (white muscle disease)
  • Production of immune globulins
  • With the production of the pancreas, digestion and feed utilisation.

Cobalt assists & promotes (the synthesis of Vitamin B12)

  • The prevention of anaemia and ill-thrift
  • Growth and condition
  • Resistance to disease
  • Milk production

Selco-V is a liquid concentration of Selenium, Vitamin E, B12 and Cobalt.

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