Complete Copper Cobalt Solution for Pedigree Sheep


A fast acting Complete Copper and Cobalt solution for your deficiencies.

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Complete Copper Cobalt Solution 

Cobalt Deficiency

Cobalt is linked to its role in the production of vitamin B12 in the rumen. When we talk about cobalt deficiency it is more suitable to call it a vitamin B12 deficiency. A good strategy is to try to provide a consistent supply of cobalt to your flock as cobalt is not stored in big quantities in the ewe’s body. It can be more of an issue in growing stock. Signs of deficiency would be reduced growth rate, poor thrive (pine), dry scaly skin on the ears and face and a loss of springiness of the wool.

Copper Deficiency

Copper deficiency occurs when sheep are grazing pastures low in copper. Some breeds are more susceptible to copper deficiency. In general hill breeds are more susceptible to deficiency issues such as swayback, while lowland breeds such as Suffolk’s and Suffolk Crosses are more susceptible to toxicity. Signs of copper deficiency would be swayback in lambs; poor weigh gain, poor fleece (steely wool). It is also important to be aware that soil molybdenum (Mo) can interfere with copper metabolism. Excess (Mo) in pasture can bring on copper deficiency in animals. Timing is important to avoid toxicity. Appropriate use of supplementation in particular in mid pregnancy may prevent swayback issues.

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Complete Copper Cobalt Solution

250ml, 500ml, 1L, 2.5L, 5L