TRS Plus+ for Pedigree and Commercial Sheep


TRS Plus+ can increase your feed conversion ratio, prevent sours and reduce stress of high genetic merit pedigree or commercial flocks.

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TRS Plus+ for Pedigree and Commercial Sheep

TRS Plus+  can increase your feed conversion ratio, prevent sours and reduce stress of high genetic merit pedigree or commercial flocks. The intestines of all animals are lined with countless millions of bacteria which either help or hinder the breakdown and digestion of food.  Under ideal conditions the level of beneficial bacteria is higher than pathogenic bacteria, i.e. E. Coli, Salmonella etc., which cause harm.

TRS Plus+ is recommended for feeding to developing lambs on either intensive or extensive systems, to help maintain the beneficial gut bacteria population. For pedigree or early lambs on a high protein diet TRS Plus+ may help in the prevention of Laminitis. Laminitis may occur in individuals after any toxic infectious condition such as pneumonia or metritis, or after ruminal acidosis. Laminitis may become chronic if a single bout is severe or if overfeeding of high-energy diets is continued.


Lambs are born with a bacteria free digestive tract.  However, the tract is quickly populated by bacteria present in the environment.  Effectively a contest for dominance of the digestive tract occurs, between the disease causing and the beneficial bacteria.

Failure to consume adequate colostrum lowers the immune defences of the newborn lamb.  Pathogenic bacteria and viruses may overwhelm that weakened immune system and cause respiratory and scour diseases. Raising large numbers of lambs in close contact helps spread of disease.

TRS Plus+ is a combination of Bioplex Minerals, Vitamins, Prebiotics and Probiotics.  Prebiotics are short chained fructo-oligosaccharides; GF2, GF3, GF4 an energy source for the beneficial microflora, which create healthier digestive tract, unsuitable for the growth of potentially pathogenic bacteria.

Probiotics can help improve, food conversion, increase hair growth, relieve stress, improve lung and bronchial performances and aid in the treatment of laminitis. They can positively modify the gut microflora, enhance digestive health, Reduce the risk of digestive upsets, reduce putrefactive compound production, strengthen the immune system (GALT) and help prevent or dry off  scours.

(Note – TRS Plus + was formerly known as TransRight Super Plus+)

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